TnT's Trek

Sometimes It's Just A Hike Uphill

What in Blue Blazes?

Published by Unknown under , , on 11:03 PM
Trail: Buffalo Mountain: White Rock Trail
Distance: 3 miles round trip...if done correctly...
Elevation gain: 1500 feet
TNT Time: 3 hours

So today's hike was also a bordem killer. After vowing to give our bodies time to rest and recuperate after yesterday's arduous journey, we went right back to the internet to find a new hike today. This was following the drop-off of yet another job application. One that we felt pretty optimistic about until I saw that there were two other guys getting applications at the same time I was dropping mine off. So much competition for a restaurant job? I guess so. Ok, s on with the hike.

This hike was most certainly more difficult than yesterday's. As you can see, it was quite high up there, and was very steep in several places. Here are the pictures:

Um, this is a tree. And it fell. And Trent took a picture of it. Yep.

I thought this was neat, but maybe I'm just a dork.

After we'd been going for about 45 minutes, we saw a clearing..and light. "This must be it!" we exclaimed (the first time of many). We soon discovered it was only a clearing for the power lines.

The view from the top (or somewhere near the top, I'm not really sure)

OK, I'm hot and tired and ready to get off this mountain now.

So, the way back down. Ha. We had some disagreement about exactly how to go back down the mountain. Retrace our steps back down, take a path that was on the map at the trailhead (we think?) or try to take a path we can't quite find that is mentioned on the website page we had printed. We opted for the one we saw on the map. After wondering a while, we found ourselves going back uphill again. Not a good sign for someone trying to get off a mountain. Eventually we ran into some guys who instructed us to follow the blue blazes off the mountain.

For those of you less acquainted with hiking (as I was 2 days ago...) a blaze is a smear of paint on a tree that lets you know you're going to right way. Of course, there are all sorts of colors and such to help you out, but only if you know what they mean...which varies from trail to trail. So we're following the blue blazes, and we begin to see red blazes. And warning signs about forest fires. Great. Well, we didn't see any fires, but we did see some damage from a fire a while back. And we did eventually get off the mountain. And eat a lot of dinner. A lot.


Abby said... @ July 2, 2009 at 4:20 PM

ooh, fun stuff! You guys have crazy trails right in your back yard!

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